And the winner is... cenedra! Say something

He will receive 500 and 100,000 as prize

Look here for the rest of the winners
These are the 10 best-rated avatars
We also have many more Carnival-tastic avatars - congratulations to all of you!
The 15 jury nominees are...
The ones we liked the most will receive a little present as well!
He will receive 100 and 80,000 as prize

Did you like them? Share them with your friends!

Contest rules


You can join the contest from February 12th to February 17th 2015.

The polls will be open from February 12th to February 19th 2015.

The winners will be announced on this page on February 20th 2015.

All deadlines will be set according to the Miniplay team time (GMT +1) (00:50).

How to participate

Dress your avatar in the Avatar Center using any item from the shop and sign up for the contest from this same page. You will need 1,000 Gems in order to be able to join. They will be substracted from your account as soon as you join the contest, but you will be notified first.

Vote for other users in the Carnival Contest and get up to 500 Gems each day of the contest. Only registered users can vote. In order to prevent biased results and make a fairer contest, the avatars that take part will be displayed as anonymous and at random, so that they will get a similar number of votes whenever they join the contest.


The 10 best-rated avatars will be the winners of this contest - it's really that simple!

Besides, our staff will give a special trophy to the 15 most original ones. Try to impress the jury!


500 for users who vote 50 daily avatars

100 and 80,000 for the 10 winners of our Carnival Contest 2015.

500 and 100,000 for the 15 winners of the Jury Prize in our Carnival Contest 2015.


  • bilaras 24
    1 like


    February 15, 2015
  • wseem 33


    February 13, 2015