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  • fandejonbtc has leveled up!8

    July 4, 2024
  • fandejonbtc has leveled up!8

    July 4, 2024
  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Bronze YouTuber trophy.

    July 4, 2024

    Oh, yeah, someone is becoming popular!

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Bronze YouTuber trophy.

    July 4, 2024

    Oh, yeah, someone is becoming popular!

  • fandejonbtc has leveled up!5

    December 1, 2023
  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Noob YouTuber trophy.

    December 1, 2023

    Your career as a YouTuber has started, congrats!

  • angelina91 and eliaselnogal are now following fandejonbtc.

    October 26, 2023
  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Though day trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 22 hours with us today!! You are in the top!

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Make my day trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 20 hours with us today!! You are in the top!

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Extra hours trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 21 hours with us today!! You are in the top!

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Intern trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 20 hours with us this month!! How was it?

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Hanging out trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 10 hours with us today!! We love you!

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Afterwork trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 10 hours with us this week!! How was it?

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Killing time trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 5 hours with us today!! How was it?

  • fandejonbtc has been awarded with the Hobby trophy.

    October 23, 2023

    Cool! You have played at least 10 hours with us!! How was it?

  • fandejonbtc has played Geometry Dash and Monopoly.

    October 22, 2023
    geometry-dash monopoly
  • fandejonbtc likes Geometry Dash and Monopoly.

    October 22, 2023
    geometry-dash monopoly
  • fandejonbtc has leveled up!2

    October 22, 2023
  • Registered!

    October 19, 2023