Perhaps try another search?
jorgesan1981 has played Parcheesi.
jorgesan1981 has played Uno: 4 Colors, Mafia Battle and Parcheesi.
joaquinsimu1998 and 3 others are now following jorgesan1981.
jorgesan1981 has played Mafia Battle and Parcheesi.
jorgesan1981 has been awarded with the Habit trophy.
Cool! You have played at least 500 hours with us!! We love you!
jorgesan1981 has leveled up!23
jorgesan1981 has unlocked the achievement 500 Cars at Mafia Battle and 3 others.
jorgesan1981 has changed his avatar.
jorgesan1981 has played, Mafia Battle and Parcheesi.
mau05 and 3 others are now following jorgesan1981.
jorgesan1981 has unlocked the achievement Espectro at Parcheesi and 3 others.