

is not following you
  • luis.gavira1 has played Wobble Yoga and 7 other games.

    February 25, 2020
    wobble-yoga mountain-bicycle-xtreme bingo-royal soap-cutting the-world-of-bob duckpark-io pull-the-pin mahjong-story
  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Pastime trophy.

    February 24, 2020

    Cool! You have played at least 50 hours with us!! How was it?

  • luis.gavira1 has leveled up!15

    February 24, 2020
  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Recruit trophy.

    February 24, 2020

    You've reached level 15. Now you can start posting comments!

  • luis.gavira1 has played and 9 other games.

    February 7, 2020
    citycraft-io pill-soccer trevor-3-mad-story-game craftmine chess-multiplayer weird-bunny-banana trevor-first-story-mad-city-crime where-in-space-is-baby-hitler flappy-footchinko-endless-bounce super-mario-endless-world
  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Casual player trophy.

    February 7, 2020

    Cool! You have played at least 50 different games!! How was it?

  • luis.gavira1 has played Cuphead Rush and 3 other games.

    February 4, 2020
    cuphead-rush gpop-io pokemon-flame-of-rage trevor-first-story-mad-city-crime
  • luis.gavira1 has played and Happy Tree Friends: Aggravated Asphalt.

    January 24, 2020
    fanix-io happy-tree-friends-aggravated-asphalt
  • luis.gavira1 has played Basketball and 5 other games.

    December 13, 2019
    basketball-dunk-io tractor-mania chicken-road super-wash sky-roller pokemon-sapphire
  • luis.gavira1 has played LEGO: Build and Protect and 5 other games.

    December 11, 2019
    lego-build-and-protect forward-assault rum-gun jetpack-jingle new-super-mario-world-1-the-twelve-magic-orbs wild-west-saga
  • luis.gavira1 has leveled up!14

    December 11, 2019
  • luis.gavira1 has played Super Toad Planet and 5 other games.

    December 5, 2019
    super-toad-planet sky-roller zoo-feeder football-masters-euro-2020 adam-and-eve-snow brain-out
  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Intern trophy.

    December 4, 2019

    Cool! You have played at least 20 hours with us this month!! How was it?

  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Hanging out trophy.

    December 4, 2019

    Cool! You have played at least 10 hours with us today!! We love you!

  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Afterwork trophy.

    December 4, 2019

    Cool! You have played at least 10 hours with us this week!! How was it?

  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Killing time trophy.

    December 3, 2019

    Cool! You have played at least 5 hours with us today!! How was it?

  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Hobby trophy.

    December 3, 2019

    Cool! You have played at least 10 hours with us!! How was it?

  • luis.gavira1 has played Paint Pop 3D.

    December 3, 2019
  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Daily top 50 trophy.

    November 29, 2019

    You've unlocked the trophy

  • luis.gavira1 has been awarded with the Newbie trophy.

    November 28, 2019

    Cool! You have played at least 10 different games!! How was it?

  • luis.gavira1 has leveled up!13

    November 28, 2019
  • luis.gavira1 has leveled up!12

    November 28, 2019